Take your health to the next level with Circle DNA

Technology and innovation are now taking a step further and start making a new appearance in our daily life through the new wellness trend: DNA testing. CircleDNA, one of the pioneers in the industry, has developed into this business to offer an accurate at-home DNA test using the world’s most comprehensive technology. Offering a wide […]

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7 Hi-Tech Gadgets to keep your home clean at all time!

Keeping your home nice and tidy is always high up there on the list of New Year’s resolutions. But it can still be a struggle to conjure up the energy to clean after a long day of work. You won’t have to worry ever again with these near-magical cleaning gadgets you’ll wish you had gotten ages ago. Thanks to smart home cleaning devices, now even tech lovers can enjoy keeping things tidy.

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Smart Backpacks and Suitcases to Travel Around The World

While numerous companies have made advancements in materials and design, suitcases and backpacks really haven’t changed much for the last decades. But don’t worry, luggage is finally getting smarter, and the options for connected suitcases and related gadgets are giving you some clever solutions to help you travel well.

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How Technology Is Transforming the Fitness Industry?

Like in any other industries, technology is increasingly finding a place within fitness new trends. It appears under different category, such as apps, wearables, booking systems, machines, offering a great convenience for its users. The consumer awareness  Gym-goers are no longer content with simple information such as their weight. What they are curious to know more about is their progress, from body fat percentage to sleep quality.

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